What if.. you could leave your physical body at will and become endless celestial forms, Radiating love from your true nature as oneness?

“Show them HOW TO LOVE “ : said the meme floating in the middle of the dark retreat with no lights or computers… This was a clear text message from something closer to source, than an “i”, and it was in response to a silent question of “how to serve”, now that “i” was nearing the completion of 500 days in dark retreats . The focused journey began 10 Years ago, after a glass of consciousness (ayaheusca) turned me into a full time Yogi-Monk , where “i” was blessed with a year of no sleep. In order to survive the "psychosis", the terrors of entities speaking to me and sending currents and visions and signs, (actually its a bit of a fun ride for a trained yogi, yes? Life was a great ride when we die, yes?)so…”I” became good at staying alone in the dark. Having discovered my cure in an initial two week dark retreat, i threw my arms around NYT bestselling Tao Guru, GrandMaster Mantak Chia. I said, “Wow! I have to make friends with you, write a book, lets go to Malaysia for some blood ozone!” (I knew he like biohacking toys) So we went, i picked his brain, wrote a book, that i took out of print! “Endless Cosmic Orgasm” (attracted ill intended peeps - and even the dark stuff was misinormed. Gonna update maybe with LINEAGE Bon and Nygma instructions)” I ventured farther into Asia to learn the extremes of yoga, Taoism, Six Yogas of Naropa, shatkarmas, Gtum-Mo (fierce heat), Hatha Yog, Kria (Yogananda) etc., always returning to Master Chia to bounnce off the new downloads, fly in my teachers, brainstorm… and to continue longer and longer annual darkness retreats. As the days of darkness accumulated, so did interest from other Gurus and teachers. Some of the most advanced people I've ever met, began picking my brain... and exchanging what can only be called cave yogi secrets... eventually , a favorite Teacher had me train his end of three year-retreat lamas, who had been in lockdown with no phones or contact with the world or family . There are teachers were zoomed in from Tibet, Nepal, etc., and were revered yogis and monastic heads. How did i get here? Surprisingly, my experience was able to upgrade these lamas’ practice so that the difficult to achieve Thogal visions , would efficiently have an open channel to be seen. For this “Thogal” or “Yangti” based dark retreat , the final culmination of their three year training, the main practice is actually the foundation of what “Ice Man” wimm hoff bases his techniques on. Its my download, from being told, “show them how to love,” that the CHANGE MAKERS, VISIONARIES, WELLNESS JUNKIES & SINGULARITY BIOHACKERS ,” next evolution is Lineage Based, enlightenment practices. Just so you can research a little, gtummo and the safe use of jyoti mudra , nauli and “Dorje dhepa” , as it did for these lamas, would allow any future “noble ones” the experience of inner light which, as with the 3 year lamas, had not yet before been manifest. The challenge with these teachings, is that they dont get transmitted in a single retreat and require a feedback loop in whih the yogi achieves certain signs, which only an accomplished practicioner can recognize. Then the next level is given. It sounds like marketing hype, but this system has been used across Asia in Monastaries , Ashrams and caves for as long as lliberation has been possible. Im not sure what this page is headed towards, but its an intentional invitation to explore actual lineage liberation practices, for those who truly want help, towards classic enlightenment, transcending what is or could ever be, commercially available. There is actually amazing stuff on youtube and even online zooms from lineage lamas, sages, etc. If you can sift through it, wonderous. My only value is i know one thing: Dark Retreat. And it is gaining popularity which means it will be homegenized, watered down, and commodified for an easy sale. I feel responsible to at least put it out there, that it requires doing nothing, properly! And i never had the proper fruit after 200 days in the dark, until i was given the passcode and proper way to visualize the elements and pixel-dieties that reside in organized offering channels through the organs. When these instructions were installed through the 18,000 year old Bon tradition, everything came together and for the first time after 200 days of dark retreat, the matrix was revealed. To melt the internal sun and moon, properly, is the foundational tantric practice of all Vajrayana monks, but the fruition, im not sure how that treks… however, without this practice one thing is seemingly certain: practice remains mental and popular things like lucid dreaming and the power of now, remain willful mental acts of a self identification, and the pull into duality has not been defragged or re-coded. And lucid dreams and glimglimpses of enlightenment remain as divine chance occurences. Lasting results require renunciation from all worldly brainwashings: goodbye netlfix, social media, sex with anyone but a partner on the road to englightenment, and external music. And this renunciation happens naturally with practice. You want to do nothing else. Why would you spend time gobbling up resources in a simulation, tying to achieve more and more duality, if you could radiate like a rainbow enjoying and emancipating the one light that shines in every atom of every heart? I’m confident there cant be a charge for this, and may very well just hand off any inquirers , pointing them in the right direction. But, alas, this is the duty, and if you would like to give some of your background, so if indeed an invite goes out to a retreat, to keep me in service and in shape, then correct levels of community can be curated, however it may manifest . So, if called, enter an email here and lets see where it goes. If you really need to get a hold of me, put your contact in some comments on my pages facebook.com/darkretreat)This is not a solicitation for business and i may never follow up on it. This page is just sent to friends old and new. Oh, and i like this description of how it seems i can , “Show them how to love”: maybe i find a way to communicate that is not tot distracting by showing people how to be the CEO of thier own exit strategy from a body…??? I like that word as it represents those who are really leading the world into merging consciosness with the pre cosmic pixels. Love to the one. I am you. You are me. Love is waking each other up to that! Wake

Wake Rinpoche

How to Love: a path to the end of suffering ”

Super-fire digestion, heal lower back pain, open the Cosmic Wifi, Purify the Energy Channels - DEEPEN MEDITATION TOWARDS the BLISS of ZERO THOUGHT

Yes you can learn “nauli” in a few weeks! Free

Super-fire digestion, heal lower back pain, open the Cosmic Wifi, Purify the Energy Channels - DEEPEN MEDITATION TOWARDS the BLISS of  ZERO THOUGHT

Authenticity in Yogic Practices: Following the Wisdom of Realized Beings

<span>Authenticity in Yogic Practices: Following the Wisdom of Realized Beings</span>

The profound union of Tibetan Dzogchen using an immersive experiential knowledge of the cleansing powers of Hindu yoga shatkarmas , and the organ healing of the Tao is part of Bodhi Rinpoche’s unique blend.

One of my teachers, Karma Lhatrul Rinpoche, a self recognized (at 3 years old) reincarnation who spent 9 years in the forest and 90 days in the dark, on ejecting consciousness at death.

Our ARDTiLYS Ashram/ Bonpo Monastary. Always seeking creative Raw Chef and Lineage Maha Yogis looking to share practice.

<span>Our ARDTiLYS Ashram/ Bonpo Monastary. Always seeking creative Raw Chef and Lineage Maha Yogis looking to share practice.</span>
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